Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The Origin Of Man

This is the where the phylogeny tree for the human Y-chromosomal stands right now. This is pure DNA, and the tree is solidly rooted in Africa. This supports that man arose in Africa. Do not forget to click on the haplogroups at the right, such as this one and this one, and to take a look at the core list of 417 branch-defining Y-SNP markers. I cannot explain it better than they do and they do. Look at the references per haplogroup, where the mutation happened, and what is the oldest human fossil with the particular haplogroup.

Noach, supposedly living a mere 4,100 years ago, the inventor of wine, was not the Y-chromosomal Adam. The bigger picture is that there are some 10 million mutations of nucleotides (SNPs) in all human chromosomes together. Only 1-2 million mutations are contributed from outside of Africa, i.e., from Asia and Europe and the rest of the world. The message is clear, I hope. These are small percentages of the 3,000 million nucleotide base pairs in the human genome, but they are way too big for Noach.

There are more contributors to human genetic diversity. There is the gene-flow from the Neanthalers in Europe, from the Denisovans in the far East, and from extinct species in Africa. Our past is ancient and complicated. To know it is of the essence. The knowledge of the human genome, a self-awareness of a kind, is a crucial step in the revolutionary ascent of man. Study it.