Thursday, May 25, 2017

Article Summary

We have shown how simple it is to change the Hebrew calendar, with the Gauss algorithm. There are now three options before us.

The first option is summarized by (SM is the Metonic year)

SE = SM - 3K/1000 = 365.24216,

telling us that having the calendar change itself every 1000/3 years gives us the tropical year SE.

The second option, is to have the calendar change itself every 360 years, which approximately gives the Gregorian year:

SG ≅ SM - 3K/1080 = 365.242505.

Of course, there is always the option of doing nothing, or

SM = 365.24682.

What year do we want, SM, SG, or SE? Surely SE, and certainly the algorithm of section 9. It is the most natural calendar, with the deepest of roots, the most precise, and this calendar is waiting for its natural adoptor.

Blessed are those who in this world go on the road of truth.

אשריהם ההולכים בדרך אמת בעוה"ז