Thursday, May 4, 2017

The Fixed Hebrew Calendar

I wrote the present paper as an extension of a paper entitled Gauss Formula for the Julian Date of Passover by Zvi Har'El. For reasons of completeness, a lot of material is copied from this paper. The generational parameter n, introduced in Section 2, is new, and reveals a freedom in the Gauss algorithm. Section 7 deals with this freedom, and proposes a way to determine n and so to "fix" the calendar.

Thus, a way exists to spectacularly increase the validity of the calendar, using the same data for the first molad, the first new moon, and the same length of the month, given by the Talmud, and the same rules for exceptions. Until, in our proposal, the first molad changes in the year 7334.

Here is a Hebrew version of the paper.

Here is the output of the complete Java program based on the algorithm proposed in the paper.

וּבַגּוֹיִם לֹא יִתְחַשָּׁב
(Bamidbar 23:9)